Friday, April 20, 2012

Foodie Fridays: Raspberry Cupcakes

Since as long as I can remember I have loved anything with raspberry.  I remember driving to Connecticut to see my moms friend and we would always stop at this farm, a couple miles from her house, and get two containers full of raspberries and by the time we got to our destination I had eaten all the raspberries. Every year on my birthday I would have a raspberry mouse cake, and it was always perfection, a tradition that I have continued with my daughter. I love them more than words can describe in this post. So I knew for my next Foodie Fridays post I would have to make cupcakes, and what better cupcakes to make than raspberry cupcakes. Its a time consuming recipe, but the results are so worth it. The cake itself is moist and delicious, the icing, ahh the icing, it is creamy and sweet and has just the right amount of raspberry taste. Recipe


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