Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shoe Display

Right now my shoes are all around my town home, upstairs, downstairs, in my closet, in Alexis' room, in the living room. I have made the decision to tackle this problem head on. I have done a little research and these 3 are my inspirations for my shoe display. Now I do not plan on doing anything quite as extravagant since we will be moving soon, but once we move you can bet that I will be doing the first one in my closet. I have an idea in my mind, and I am off to the store to see what I can pick up and put together.

1 comment:

  1. I love all shoes! <3
    And it's a nice blog, love it soooo much!

    btw, i'm from Indonesia, please follow my blog if you don't mind :

    Keep blogging!
