Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pampering Yourself

Reading a good book

After getting married I found myself concentrating so much on my better half and not so much on me. When he left for Afghanistan I found myself with all this extra time and I promised myself that I would use it to pamper myself. When he does come back I plan on keeping these things in my daily routine. I think every girl should take at least a few of these things and apply it to your life, if you haven't already. These are 10 things that I do to make myself feel good.

wear a nighty every night to sleep

  go shopping at least once every two weeks

  make a restaurant quality meal once a week

  get a pedicure every two weeks

  get a massage once a month

 My girlfriend comes over every Monday for dinner and girl talk
 allow one day a month to wear sweats, and only Victoria's Secret ones

buy flowers every week

burn this candle almost every day

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