Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting Started

       I recently voiced to my husband that I wanted to start a blog when we moved to Florida about DIYing and makeup, stuff I really knew about. However, he left back for Afghanistan on Monday, which left me completely helpless and sad. He suggested that I start my blog now instead. I told him it would just consist of me complaining about how much I missed him. However, the more I thought about it, the more I decided that he was right, this was the perfect time. Too bad I didn't take pictures of all the DIY projects I have already done. So for now I will just give some details on myself.
      I am a girl who loves having fresh flowers in her house every week. I LOVE makeup, Sephora is one of my favorite stores! I am 23 and a mom to a beautiful 3 1/2 year old little girl. I love white houses with pops of Aqua here and there. I love anything that sparkles. I love food, sweets especially.
      My favorite websites right now would have to be,,, and So there you have it, a little about me!

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